Jun 10, 2015

Royal Ontario Museum

No trip to Toronto is ever complete without visiting the Royal Ontario Museum.  It is ingrained in our childhood memories; either from school trips or going there with our parents.  Over the years "the R.O.M" as it's known by locals, has taken on many changes mostly due to a transfer of management.  The great thing about local attractions is that they DO change by introducing different themes all year long.

You are able to see the same exhibits that made the ROM world renown including the ever- popular Dinosaur exhibits and the staged African savannas showcasing some serious talent in taxidermy.  They literally have everything there on every floor of every corner from ancient jewellery of precious stones and gems to exotic clothing of different parts of the world to ancient relics of weaponry including armour of steel, iron (too heavy to fight with) and tin oh and of course massive rooms of gargantuan dinosaurs!

You will remember the famous "king tut" display that held the interest of massive crowds from all over the world? For some people it was the first time they had ever come to Canada or ever heard of King tut.

We visited when the "Pompeii - In the shadow of the volcano" exhibit when it was spot-lighted.   Pompeii was an ancient Roman city which was buried under hot ash and rock by the sudden and violent eruption of Mount Versuvius.  
The archeological remains discovered the culture and every day life of the city and the people who lived there many years ago.

If you have an interest in discovering pieces of history you may have or have not heard about already, you can plan out a list of exhibits there now or will be in the future.
