Showing posts with label Niagara Butterfly Conservatory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Niagara Butterfly Conservatory. Show all posts

Jun 9, 2024

Niagara Butterfly Conservatory

On a lovely spring Saturday morning, we decided to take the GO Train to Niagara Falls. First stop was to a buffet breakfast at the Young Garden buffet and BBQ before taking our bikes along the Niagara parkway to head for the Niagara Butterfly Conservatory, located at 2565 Niagara River Pkwy in Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada.

The first thing you will notice is the botanical gardens and outdoor cafes, with winding paths surrounding one of the largest glass-encased butterfly conservatories in North America.

Although their website touts there are over 2,000 different butterfly species, I think I have seen approximately 30-40 of them! My husband describes this place as magical! I don't think I would go that far, although I could appreciate this through the eyes of a child as such. I had a new camera with me, and was fumbling too much to try and get a still shot of the butterflies :) They were quite vivacious both in colour and personality! Some species, especially the pretty blue ones would not stay still for a second. I guessed that is evolution - since butterflies have no defense mechanisms, the bright coloured ones are easily spotted by prey, so they need to keep moving. Though I have seen pictures of them landing on people! Sadly, it was way too crowded when we went for this to occur.

I promise you it's like nothing you've experienced nothing like it before. Winding paths of wonderful garden and tropical plants. It's worth two hours of your time, but you may find it rather small and more eager people could probably go through it in an hour. The temperature is very tropical, so you may want to remember a water bottle.

They try to limit the number of people allowed in but could stay as long as I wanted. This is why it becomes very crowded as you would expect it to be for such a popular family experience. Everyone was patient and it was a joy to watch the parents with the young ones teach the kids to be kind and gentle when and if a butterfly landed on them or needed to be picked up to prevent being walked on.

I was fortunate to have a few butterflies land on my hand as did my husband. I also took pictures of different species who landed on others.

I am glad I came. Hope you have a chance to enjoy it too someday!

Happy Trails!