How can anything be so perfect? The look, feel, smell and sounds of autumn. This is the Ganaraska Forest and it is the largest forest in Southern Ontario with hundreds of kilometres of trails.
It's also the oldest region protected under the Conservation Authorities act, formed in 1946. The watersheds throughout the forest cover a 935-square kilometre area from Wilmot creek in Clarington to east of Cobourg and from Rice Lake down to Lake Ontario.
It rained again on that day. I never remembered autumn being so cold and wet since I was a child. No matter what mood the weather is in, the colors surrounding you will always make fall the most beautiful of all seasons to me.
Missed the entrance to the forest off highway 35/115, a couple of times actually going north and coming back southbound. Be cautioned: once you see the signs of the Ganaraska Forest, you may as well slow right down because there aren't any heads-up signage, so you may very well miss the main 'tourist' entrance. In retrospect though, this allowed the findings of a more secluded entrance off of Boundary Road, a narrow dirt and gravel road. As this particular off-road entrance is forbidden to motorized vehicles, you'll have to trust your vehicle off to the side while you hike in.
Didn't do much of a hike today, rain really fell hard at times. Took some photographs before darkness came, saw no wildlife at all around. Smelled some wood smoke nearby and heard the quiet tapping of wet rain under my feet. Like I said before, how can anything be so perfect ?