Well I've been slow in posting these days. So here's another entry for 'exploring waterfalls' If you're like me, you'll think the drive up North is always interesting and exciting. You'll find as soon as you are north of Whitby, you start to notice more and more farmland. Open fields as far as the eye can see is a welcoming change from the concrete buildings of the City from where I come from. I love the golden wheat fields and the character of the old farm houses and dream of a life in them. I often wonder if they are happy and couldn't imagine them not to be.
Pass through some small towns just north of the 'Highway of Heroes' (Hwy 401), like Brooklin for instance, which is a young and up and coming town. It is the fastest growing place in the east right now and currently a highway entrance and exit is being built which will bring more economy and production to the area.
More cottage shots
Beaverton (Trent Severn) is further north and in my hunger to photograph as much as I can in such a sort time today, I stop to smell the roses in a matter of speaking and photographed the Trent River. The Trent flows from Rice Lake in Southeastern Ontario and empties into the Bay of Quinte. Stopped again to take a look at a good looking bridge but once discovered a little more closely it was nothing more than swampland. I thought it was my imagination at first, but it appeared as though a giant toad was staring at me from the water top. A closer look proved it! I laughed and laughed! Boy he must surely own this swamp for he is the biggest toad I've ever seen!
Farm fields / Severn Waterway
Now back in the car to continue north on Hwy 12 passing the farmlands of Brechin and made another stop in Gravenhurst. The sun is high in the sky now and the rocks that have long ago been blasted through to create these roads on the Trans Canada highway are getting higher and higher. Made a stop to take a look at some gear and kayaks in Muskoka Outfitters and left with the idea of buying on of the yellow ones, while thinking, well if something ever happens to me, at least my kayak will be found..! There are quite a few waterfalls to see in Bracebridge. It will certainly be worth your trip as there are at least 3 in one area alone. An ideal way to enjoy the waterfalls on the South Muskoka River in Fraserburg is by canoeing this placid reach in late summer!
Ha! I think that's Shrek?
Trent River / Muskoka
Spending a day or two at a cottage north of here, but had to take some pictures of the waterfalls..was only able to capture Bracebridge Falls and sadly TOTALLY MISSED "High Falls" altogether! I'm still so disappointed that I was so close and didn't realize it. You see I thought this was High Falls!! Can you imagine missing the main event and learning later it was only 5 minutes away...well on a brighter note, at least they'll be something to look forward to when I come back again, only this time it will be in a canoe!