Feb 9, 2012

Casa Loma

Casa Loma has weekday hours from 9:30 am to 5:00 with the last admission at 4:00, but you are able to take photographs of the outside of the castle anytime.  We plan on returning to take indoor shots of the rooms of the castle.  You might want to check their website before going as they are currently doing renovations to the castle over the next few months and some areas of the castle won't be accessible.

I especially love the wine cellar, the swimming pool and the riding stables so much looking forward to revisiting soon!  There is a tragic history of Sir Henry Pellatt and the gift of the castle to his wife and the riches to rags story. 

Oak Moraine

I don't believe there is anything remotely predicable when it comes to the weather.  The Farmers Almanac was way off for January 2012.  

Currently, personally enjoying discovering different techniques with my new camera ; The Canon Rebel XT.  It’s much easier to stay within the confines of the ‘Basic Modes’ using the Automatic features.  However, I want to learn more about the “creative modes” which will create far more interest and depth into the pictures.

For the time being I want to try different kinds of views so that I won’t spoil any shots and planning on doing much more travel in the near future, which will make for far more interesting photographs!