Nov 10, 2013

Ontario Science Centre

It was a long time since I've been to the Ontario Science Centre, and since I never blogged it in the 'Things to Do Around Town' section of my blog, this cold and blustery fall afternoon seemed as good as a time as any.  As you enter the Science Centre you will be taken down a long hallway (known as 'The Bridge').  This was one of my favorite spots in

the Science Centre as a child because of the awesome views of nature out of the windows.

Today, the views are still there and just as awesome, as well as a long line of ancient rocks up to four billion years old (the actual rocks aren't that old, but tiny grains in them called zircons are.)  The earth is 4.5 billion years old.  You may wonder why the oldest rocks aren't that old too?  It turns out shortly after the Earth formed, in the violent early days of the solar system, it was hit by a Mars-sized planet and mostly liquified into lava again! The debris launched into space coalesced and became our Moon. It's mind-blowingly daunting and humbling that a human lifetime on this scale is a thousandth of a millimetre, much thinner than a coat of paint!

Nov 3, 2013

High Park Toronto

After three weeks of healing a broken foot it was really an amazing feeling to toss aside my aircast boot (my frankenboot) and to squeeze into a running shoe again to get back on to the trails. I actually opted for the air boot over a plaster cast for comfort and convenience. It's great when you need to take it off for sleeping or before bathing. It's been really difficult without having the agility to move around and explore the parks and trails I love so much, and my camera had to have the dust blown off it as well. But today was a great day to try an easier trail before all the fall colours were gone.

High Park is centrally located in Toronto has 338 acres of some of the most beautiful settings anywhere. It has such an unusual sense of wilderness in an urban setting as it combines the forests with watershed creeks and contains the largest pond in the City (Grenadier). It's also protected and has the only area of Black Oak Savannah trees within the city. Trails here are hard pressed and some are paved so its a good choice for a virgin outing without the cast.

As it turns out, I may have been a little too enthusiastic, so was unable to finish but still took a few pictures to add to my collection. A dose of Vitamin D from the sun didn't hurt either!

Here are a few of the shots I took today.