Oct 22, 2020

East Point Bird Sanctuary and Nature trail

We went for a nice evening walk after dinner to the East Point Bird Sanctuary the other night to get out and watch the sunset.  East Point Park (and Bird Sanctuary) together is one of Toronto's largest parkland areas along the City's east waterfront. 

It is a migratory staging area for monarch butterflies and over 178 species of birds. There are trails to explore and the park offers a two level softball centre pavilion, washrooms, showers, change-rooms, umpire room, indoor lounge and outdoor patio.  

We passed and greeted a handful of fellow nature lovers.  Even during these unprecedented times of the COVID pandemic, you need to explore nature and fill your lungs and head up with the fresh outdoors.  

In fact, the air quality has never been better since air transportation has been reduced substantially.  As well, if one of the outcomes of this virus results in the reduction if not the complete elimination of Cruise Ship travel with its disastrous affects on our oceans and marine life, it will be something good that comes from this incursion of illness that has plagued many around the world.

For many millions of us we have been fortunate enough to have never lived through a world war, famine, fire, plagues or diseases.  This year has been an emotional, physical and financial meltdown for so many.  

My husband and I have supported the local restaurant businesses within our community as well as the surrounding areas and commended the restrictive reopening of so many hard working men and women who are trying to stay afloat during these times.

Many of the family businesses we have known have since closed it's doors.  My husband has had to update the aycetoronto food blog many times to keep up with the closures.  We've lost many businesses like Tuckers and Frankie Tomatoes that have been around for over 30 years.  But through this all I have seen so much support and kindness for each other.  In fact I believe that through hardship and pain, lives the true spirit and strength in people they never realized they had.  

This is why it is so important to try and find some enjoyment in life that comes at a low cost.  Nature is free.  Enjoy it.  There are heroes living in all of us.

Happy trails!

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