Apr 10, 2021

Scenic Falls - Chedoke trail

We went to Hamilton's Chedoke trail for a change of scenery from Toronto.  I personally went for a challenge to ascend that 300+step staircase I remember I used to have so much difficulty with.  

During the COVID pandemic, some of my work colleagues have complained about gaining so much weight.  For me - it was quite the opposite for I used this time at home to improve my fitness level.  Nothing too intense, but a lot weight resistance training, stretches and a bit of cardio was all I did usually on a daily basis just to keep myself active and alert. 
We parked the car at the Paradise parking lot and descended the staircase to catch the Chedoke trail at the bottom.  Heading towards Scenic Falls I was really hoping to see some flow this time as I had never been here when there was enough to see.   

Through the trees I noticed some young hikers bounding the broken bridge hopping from one end to the other, looking way down at the cliff below taking risks as young people sometimes do.

I could hear the quiet rush of the water and knew that this time I would get lucky.  Standing to one side of the 65 foot (20 metre) waterfall, I didn't like the angle from above, so I knew I would have to make my way to the bottom if I wanted to get a half way descent shot without the trees in the way.

A few shots without a tripod and up I went climbing the hill to the top.  We did a final loop around to top a bit, but the weather was getting greyer and I was afraid the skies would open up on us.

We made our way back towards the car and now for the moment of truth.  There I stood at the bottom of the steel staircase that once was so grueling for me - I did the first 100 steps without stopping.  I rested on the platform to take a swig of water and to catch my breath - but in no time I was working my way to the top again which seemed surprisingly close.  All in all it wasn't a piece of cake but it was miles easier than I remembered it.    I sat in my car feeling quite proud - and hey I scored another picture for my waterfall collection to boot.

Remember the secret to happiness is progress.  Happy trails

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